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Tuesday, May 22, 2012


So the bathroom remodel is going well.  Dad got the dimmer installed yesterday (upside down - apparently he had to because of the wiring...meh, whatever, it works so check that off the list) and the light above the toilet.

The mirrors are finally about to be hung...oh can I show you what was under this wall to wall mirror that had been on the wall since '93?

 This is what the vanity area had always looked like, mirror across  2 of the exact same shelves on both sides. And for shits and giggles, here's the vanity...white laminate press-board..oh yea. (pay no attention to the bottle of purge on the left...we had *issues* when we took up the toilet...shudder it was so gross, it was like whack-a-cockroach, I swear.  Personally, I hate those shelves, so bulky and yes its extra storage but can you see how much shit is on the counter?  yea...those cabinets were great in theory 10 years ago.  So after I got Hubs to help me, we took down the cabinets and the shelves and lookie what we found...

YES!! that's right.  The owners before my parents many many years ago had recessed medicine cabinets and cut in between the studs.  That's just great.  Luckily, I was able to buy 2 patches for the small holes at the bottom and do that myself.  But I don't think they make patches that big for the 2 on the top.  So Hubs (after consulting my Dad) cut into the sheetrock more to expose the studs to be able to screw the new sheetrock into the wall and have it flush.  And after 2 coats of sheetrock mud and a paint job by my lovely Sis, it's DONE!!!!!

Isn't it LOVELY!!!!! OMG I'm soo happy!! (yes, there is still a mess...Friday, I promise you'll have clean pictures with a camera not an iphone/droid lol)  I got new cabinet pulls, that Hubs picked out..why, I tell you, because it reminded him of LOTR..ha, love him, and we installed them last night.  I love them, very Celtic.

I wish I had taken a before and after of the mirrors because one was a tacky silver and the other one was a tacky gold...after 2 coats of a glossy white and a coat of clear enamel, I get these pretty bambo mirrors, that I just loove.

Apparently...per Hubs I missed a spot on the mirror.  I did not!! Actually it came off with the tape..meh, it gives it character, I say, plus I'm not repainting it.  It was a pain in the ass to get the tape/plastic shopping bags on the effin mirror in the 1st place.  Nope, it's fine.

I'll leave you with a picture I sent to my Goose (friend of mine) in my typical household fashion, its my Mom and I in the shed...watching TV lol.  LOLOL our shed is a effin dude.


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