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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Birthday party & weekend fun

Hola, ¿Cómo estás? Muy bien, gracias

That's about all I can say in Spanish, oh and thank you & you're welcome.

Anyways, on to the weekend.  This weekend was my Last Annual Crawfish boil and it was fantastic.  Everyone showed up and had a great time.  We hardly had any crawfish left (which I looove) and I am so thankful for everyone that showed up.  Now, because I was running around for the 1st 2 hours and then drinking around the last 2 hours - I have no pictures, I know..bad blogger.(Maybe someone else got a pic and is willing to share??)

On Sunday was Travis' 4th Birthday party!! Yay!!! It was at Chuckie Cheese's and I'm gonna say 11am on a Sunday at CC was the best time to have the party.  Dude, there was hardly anyone in there and when it did start to get crowded (around 1pm) it was time to go! I might even have Little Man's party there next year.  Here's some pictures of LM on some of the rides...

And here is some of Travis and LM dancing in front of the blue screen...

 And playing a some air hockey - that the both quit after 2 seconds lol...thank goodness most of the games are only 1 token cause I would have wasted alot of tokens with Little Man's "ooooh shiny" routine.

I'm working on my 1st cooking post, it's a recipe for a really easy lasagna but as my lovely hubby would say "Adventures in Caveat Cooking" cause it never fails..something always goes wrong or I'm missing an ingredient or I overcook/undercook something.  I really try to be a good cook, I swear.  I try new recipes and get inspiration/pinspiration....but sigh sometimes it doesn't always turn out THAT great.  It's always edible...well maybe once it wasn't...ok..maybe a couple times.  But dammit I'm trying!!  *woosah** ok, so that post will be for tomorrow, but I'll leave you with a picture of what my boys did pretty much all weekend (except for out trip to the new yogurt bar in town - which was like HEAVEN!)

That's right...gamer love runs in our family...

Do you see that? that I'm 12 and don't take pictures of me glare...I get it all the time from him when I whip out my phone.


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