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Monday, May 21, 2012

The beginning

Well hello, hello :)

I wanted to start this blog because in about 2 months, my parents will officially GTFO (love them, but seriously a year is a long time to live as one big happy family) and while I do love my parents (I really do), we don't have the same tastes in home decor.

I'm obsessed with DIY and home decor - all I watch now is DIY network and HGTV.  I get so many ideas that I want to try, I'm like a junkie lol...

The 1st project I started was the downstairs bathroom.  Backstory - my parents bought the house in 1993 - remodeled the bathroom and NEVER touched it again.  So, a couple months ago, I ripped down the wallpaper - oh yes, flower wallpaper and never did anything else for awhile.  And then one day, while I was taking a shower...a tile in the shower just falls off!  Just falls off...nice.  So I figured..meh, I'll just use the upstairs one, until I have the time and money to redo the downstairs bathroom (the initial plan was to gut the entire bathroom once my parents were out) but my dad decided to take it upon himself to start demo-ing the bathroom one day while I was at Wal-mart.  This is what I came home to...a nice big whole in the wall. *side note, my dad decided to pay for the remodel since it was the last thing that he really needed to do before he left, love my dad :)*  Sigh...well ok, lets start this thing off.

So after that was done, we ripped out the tile that surrounded the shower - which btdubs is not as easy as you think.  Apparently you just take a chisel and hammer and just tap behind the tile and it just "falls right off" no...not all of them damnit.  Stupid concrete board lol.  My sister and I actually had a blast ripping everything down - there was a little blood (cause we worked in flip flops and tank tops lol) and Sis kind of whacked herself with the, no biggie but we got it done.  Here's the before, I don't have an after, we pulled everything down to the studs.

Those flowers HAD to go.

It took us a while but we finally finished the bathroom, the vanity area..sigh is still being worked on.  Here's a preview pic...there are still some finishing touches that need to be done but I LOOOVE it.  Oh, and we decided to do a Marble tub surround and it was the BEST choice - I love the way it looks.  Plus the guy (his name escapes me..but he was really good looking btdubs lol) was super and they installed it in one day and in the freaking rain too!

 LOOOOOVEE that marble :)

Here's what it looks like now...dontcha just love it? I do.  It's not 100% done but it's getting there.  And yes, the Vanity area is staying that Jocular Green..I wanted to separate the 2 there is no way I could have an all green or brown bathroom..ain't happening.

I'll post the finished pictures some time this week since the bathroom HAS TO BE DONE by Saturday (annual crawfish boil) and no way I'm having ppl over and not have it complete.


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