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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My NEW Bathroom!!

Yay! I'm so excited!  My bathroom renovation is finally done!!!  Squee!!!!  I love it so much.  It is pretty much everything that I envisioned in my head.  A HUGE thank you to my Dad, Sis, and Hubby.  And now the before pics again...

 LOL I added this pic so you could see the swinging no attention to the

*drum roll......*  the finished bathroom!!

 (look Sis...the correct way to fold towels on the bar...see, told ya I'd put it up)


I couldn't dreamed of a nicer bathroom, I love it.  BTW, the toilet is new, the tub is new, the light fixtures are new.  All from Home Depot...except the shelf, I got it at Lowe's cause it was $10 bucks cheaper there, sorry HD.

 So are you ready for my next project???  Staining the stairs, and Satee thing in Little Man's room.  And eventually whenever my Sis gets back from her MONTH long vacation, we can work on these chairs we scored at a garage sale...and btdubs, I totally not bitter she's leaving me for a month...really...well I mean, just a little bit lol.


  1. WOW Emily it looks wonderful. Proud MIL here!!!!!! Yeaaaaa Looking forward to seeing it Saturday.
    And where is Jamie going for a whole month?

  2. Thank you!! I'm in love with my bathroom lol.

    J & her boys is going to Texas the whole Month of June to be with her mom. I'm so glad that she is getting to spend alot of time with her mom but dude...a whole month, jeez what am I supposed to do

  3. Wow looks great!!!! Love the two color combo!

  4. Looks awesome Emily!! Now you will be doing all kinds of DIY projects. So proud!

  5. Thanks Amy - Hubs isn't too found of the 2 colors, but I really wanted the vanity to be separate from the bathroom area.

    Thanks Kels and you know it!!

  6. The bathroom looks good! I think you’re no longer new when it comes to DIY renovating. The color made the bathroom look cleaner and fresher! It’s just the perfect color to help set a soothing mood in the bathroom, especially since the bathroom is considered as a room for pampering and relaxing.

    @Elizbeth Alba

  7. Great move to renovate your bathroom! Pink is so-so, but green is a much better choice! It suggests of nature and it brightens up the room! Anyway, how’s staining the stairs coming along so far? I’m sure you’d do well, just like with this bathroom project.

    Chase Conely

  8. sigh, sadly Hurricane Issac took my new bathroom. BUT on the other hand, the flood insurance paid for a new one lol, post to come soon.
