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Thursday, May 31, 2012

No Sir, I don't like it.

Have you ever heard a phrase or a saying and as soon as they said it something pops in your head.  Happens to me all. the. time.

I was talking to a Co-worker the other day and he was asking me if I liked something and I said "No sir, I don't like it." and I laughed.  Because I obviously got the joke...he however did not.  And if you don't know the joke....well just shame on you.


I have a very overactive imagination (totally why I can't watch scary movies, that shit stays in my brain and I freak myself out).  And I can pretty much remember every single book/movie/tv show I've ever seen (where was this in college!?).

When I read books, I become so invested in them.  I feel like the character is real and I want them to be real.  Now, I'm not super weird chick who actually thinks they are real, no I'm not.  But that doesn't mean, I wouldn't want them to be real.  When I read, I see the story in my head and it stays with me forever.  When I was in Junior High, I pretty much read every single Fear Street book there was and I still remember bits and pieces of it.  It kind of helps that I will re-read everything and anything.  In High School, I couldn't tell you how many times I read Without Mercy...I don't know why I was so obsessed with it but I was, my copy was so worn out.  I can't go into a IHOP without thinking of that book.  I know that story backwards and forwards.  And now, my Goose got me into the Paranormal Romance Novels, The Black Dagger Brotherhood and oooh, I was in heaven and in love.  I was engrossed in these books that I was ignoring my shows (which if anyone knows me, I love my TV).  I highly suggest you read them.  I've also read the Dark Hunter Series, which I love.  I have read Acheron, probably about 15 times now and I just can't stop.  Acheron has just stuck with me.  I've read The Midnight Breed Series, which are actually quite good (more action, less romance) and Mercy Thompson Series, I really liked that one.  I love reading about werewolves/shifters - that's one thing I loved about the DH series, they had vamp books, were books, even dream hunter books.  All the things I love in one series...yes, please!!

Oh, the reason I was telling you this story was because my godson has to read Freckle Juice for summer reading.  And omg, I loved that book when I was younger.  I was so excited to tell him what it was about and how great it was and I wasn't that much older than he was when I 1st read it but I still remember it.  And he has to read a Junie B. Jones book..squee! I loved her books too! lol, I didn't expect to talk that much about books - if you can't tell I love books.

I don't know where "NOT TODAY" came from, maybe it was from reading too many meme's but when something in a movies happens...crap it was just in a movie I watched and I can't remember the name of it...but I can totally see the scene in my head...moving on, when something epic happens, I always want to yell "NOT TODAY, oh not today mf'er" LOLOL seriously I think it's hilarious.  When I was having the whack-a-mole contest with the roaches during the Bath Renov, I was yelling at the roaches "NOT TODAY..oh you are not coming in my house" lol.  Don't judge me.

OOOH and my co-worker just reminded me of this one cause our new intern name is George.  And I was like hmmm...why do I know that name? Aha!! I know, Bugs Bunny!!!!

Buhahaha!!! I say that when I squeeze our cat.

I think my Hubs loves and hates me for this because most of the time, I'll reference movie we've both seen and he gets the joke but when he doesn't, it makes it even funnier for me...for him..meh, not so much lol.

So this weekend, I plan to do a DIY project and I'll share the details on Monday.  Make sure to check twitter and facebook for random updates.  I just posted the pictures of my mom's new house! It's HUUGEE!!


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