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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

7 months later, we have a Living Room

Hi all :)

Sorry for the horrible lack of blogging.  I think now is the time to actually breathe after 7 months after Hurricane Issac.  As you know, I was one of the people that flood and had to gut my entire house - and redo a room upstairs because the ceiling fell.  What you probably didn't know was that during that entire demo/remodeling/moving out (parents), we lived here.  It was horrible lol.  I will say that we were lucky to have an upstairs and not forced to live with my Sister for 3 months - she would have killed us.  I mean, she loves us....yea but not that much lol

My hubby and I actually took over little man's room because our ceiling fell on our bed and we didn't have one. case you didn't know...little man effin SNORES like cutting wood snores.  I refused to share a room with him, so he got moved to the closet across from his room, it was big enough to hold a twin sized bed, a end table and a big suitcase for his clothes.  It was perfect.  (and just so you know, it is now the Kitty room but that's for another blog) will be happy to know that our house is done and I'm pretty much done except for a little touch ups here and there.  Wanna see?  Of course you do, you nosey bastards :p

All the before pics are from/during Issac...

The living room before...

The Living room after...

I know...its FUCKING GORGEOUS!!! :) I love it.

I have the same tile running throughout the WHOLE downstairs.  2 reason, 1 - its fucking cheaper for me and easier for the tile dudes and 2 - The downstairs doesn't really have any breaks and I'm not a big fan of having 3 different tiles in one space.

 This part of the kitchen was an addition that we didn't build.  Remember that picture of Brett using the electric jackhammer trying to get the tile up?  Well we (well, the tile guys lol) had to pour self leveling stuff to get it even.  I thought it was so pretty when they 1st poured it.

This is the tile throughout the entire downstairs except the bathroom.  Walnut wood grain tile, $1.99 sqft.

I'm going to show you guys the kitchen tomorrow...and it has NOTHING to do with the mountain (and I mean MOUNTAIN) of dishes sitting in the sink taunting me while I post this blog.  But here's a preview:

The Kitchen/Dining Room before...

The Kitchen/Dining after...'s still yellow - it's a thing in our family, we all have yellow kitchens.  But how about that light! It's so sexy, god I love it.  It originally was like 80 inches long which touched the floor lol but my WONDERFUL father-in-law came over and cut the wire and installed it.  Manly men! 


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