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Thursday, October 11, 2012

New walls, new hope

Hello all!

Is everyone else enjoying the brief moments of cold weather we are getting?  I love it - except for the fact that I'm living like a gypsy and I have shit everywhere and it's annoying to have to search for pants or shorts or a jacket lol.  I'm telling you, you really don't realize how complicated it is to live in 3 rooms of your house and then have all your SHIT everywhere and other stuff strategically placed everywhere else.  Its a pain in the ass, take my word for it.

So the house - lets start from where I left off.  In the last blog, I talked about the beginnings of the hurricane and what damage was done and the demo of it all.

Well, I'm happy to say that we have WALLS!!!!!!! The whole downstairs where we took the 4ft off now has brand new sheetrock.  We are in the sanding and floating stage right now - hopefully, texture & paint is next week.  I finally got the wall of my dreams.  I don't think I've ever been so excited to have a freakin wall.

So for comparison - here is a picture from Little man's 4th birthday party.
You see the curtain back there?? Yea that was the only cheap way to close it off to everything.

During this demo pic, you can see it was open.

Well....I wanted to be closed off.  Why you ask? 2 reasons - one I wanted it to be an actual room with a door (a bedroom for my Bubba) and second because I hated the fact that I had to paint that the same as the living room because their was no break. 

Well...look at it NOW:

THERE IS A WALL!!!!!!!!!  We are putting a pocket door, it's the only way we could fit a door without having to rip up the stairs.  I'm in total love with it.

So speaking of demo - demo comes with problems, right?   

You see that tile on the floor behind Little man?  Yea...that stuff wouldn't all.  So thanks to my cousin who is in road construction, he let us borrow his electric jack hammer and Hubs went to town!

Hubs got it all up - he's so manly (sometimes lol).  Right now its a hurry up and wait game still.  The sheetrock is up but it's got to be floated at least 3 times...le sigh.  I wish they'd just spray the texture and get it over with.  The only good thing is...I don't have to cook right now lol.  Check out the kitchen.  Since everything in the kitchen (except the dishwasher) is good, they moved all of our boxes and totes in front of the cabinets and stove.  Fun times, right?