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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sigh, lets talk hurricanes


As you can tell I took a slight break from doing projects and writing on my blog.  2 reason - 1st: it's hard to do DIY projects when you have 2 families living in 1 house.  You see, I'm purchasing my parents house (the house I grew up in) and my parents are building a new house in the country.  My parents are strangely and lovingly attached to MY house.  And aren't really keen on projects that I want to do...cause it's been their way for 25 years and lol.  And I understand, I do...but I pay the bills...and at a certain point you've just got to let go (ANNND Hurricane Isaac sure did give them a swift kick in the ass, just sayin).  2nd - I'm effin lazy, there I said it.  I still have not put the clear coat on my upstairs cabinets, I know...bad DIY-er.'ll be unhappy to know that Hurricane Isaac destroyed my NEW bathroom...I was able to keep the toilet area because we put up greenboard and tiled the walls (which I'm sooo glad I took my dad's advice on that).

I do have a few pictures on my phone from the hurricane, not much because I wasn't home to see the damage get done.  I did walk (with my hubs) 8 blocks in thigh high water in the rain to get to my house...and then I just broke down in tears. I wanted to redo stuff, of course I did but damnit, not like this.  Not EVERYTHING all at one, it was supposed to be 1 project a year...but le sigh, I can't do anything about it...whats done is done, you know.

 Here is the water line - Red wall is the living room.  Beige wall - Kitchen.  Green wall (sniff!) - bathroom - Plus side is now I can really get rid of those presswood cabinets.

 So yea, this is my bedroom - the fucking ceiling COLLAPSED because the roof came off in that one section (because the roofers just nailed the shingles in and didn't remove the back for the back adhesive)
 How nice, right??  Guess who's getting a new bed now....

 The beginning of the trash pile...and speaking of trash pile - I hate touching that shit, god it's nasty!.

And here comes the DEMO!! (pay no attention to the underage workers, btw lol)  We had to go 4 feet high with EVERY wall.


The freaking tile was coming up like hubs and dad killed that shit in like 20 minutes.

 AND whoever created or layed vinyl tile in my house - I hope you DIE.  God that shit was horrible to take off and my shoulders are still killing me.

 And little blue flooded out and Geico came and towed her away...

But for now, we are living upstairs (thank goodness we have a 2 story) and everyday when we get home from work, we do a new project.  I want this shit done...and done quickly.
