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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My loving Husband

My dear loving husband sent me this IM that said "Omg...they made a graphjam that's all about you!" and at this point I'm like whaaaa? what are you talking about, who would make a graphjam of me, I'm like no one in this big ol' blog-a-sphere....

Well....would you like to see what my dear, loving husband sent me?

Touché..........."Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait!"

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cabinets Transformation!! (totally sounds like a magic trick, right?)

Hello!  I know that I promised this post yesterday but you wouldn't BELIEVE the day I had at work.  It was crazy and I was swamped with work.  Who knew they actually expected you to work :p

Anyways! On to the cabinets.  After seeing the Rust-oleum  cabinet transformations all over the interwebs, I had to do it myself.  So this is the cabinet when I 1st started.

This is the lovely kit and believe me when I say the large kit can really do your whole kitchen, I have so much left.

Step one, clean the cabinets.  This stuff worked great and didn't smell that bad.

 Look at the cabinets, it's just a plain white press-board laminate cabinet.  Nothing fancy about, no wood grain...nothing...just white.
 I tried to do an action, not much action to cleaning.

So after I cleaned it, I was on to step 2, painting.  Here is a picture of the 1st coat.  btdubs, this paint is THIN.  Like it was dripping everywhere.  I stirred the crap out of it and shook the can but still thin.  It got everywhere on me lol.

It's a bit streaky but it's on there.  At 1st I didn't like the color and thought to myself, well at least it's just paint...but I did a second coat.

And I like it sooo much better.  And now on to step 3 the glaze!!

Now, you'd be crazy to tell me you just don't looove this....ready??

Squee!!!! Lookie!! It actually looks like wood!!!  I love it soooooooooo much!!!  I can't wait to do the rest of my cabinets!!!

Here's a close up of the glaze...

How could you not love that!!!

A little bit of the paint came off when I was wiping the glaze off, meh I kind of like it like that, gives it a unique look and yes that is code for eff it, I'm not repainting this bitch again.

And eventually I'll paint the bathroom walls...what...don't like the sponge blue?  Meh, neither do I but I'm not rushing it.  This is the upstairs bathroom, no one every uses it except us.

 I added some brown to my Sister's paint shirt lol

I told you, the paint got everywhere on me.  BTDubs, look how pretty my garden is, love it.
 Little man decided he had to clean my feet lol.

My review on Rust-oleum Cabinet Transformations is a A+, no sanding..why yes, yes please :)

Linking to Thrifty Decor Chick for her Before and After Party!!